l'Alternativa 2006Invitation to l'Alternativa

Here we are again.
And here's our selection for this 13th edition.

Our Festival is our criteria,
and the criteria is our programme.
We invite you to come with us, to be part of it.

Years of ups and downs, excitement, disappointment, hopes, frustrations... but here we are with the same drive and the same philosophy as ever: championing the kind of filmmaking that's always inspired us.

Cinema which shuns the easiest conventional paths and which dares to take risks, which is to be found on the fringes, in the depths. Emotional and thought-inspiring cinema; committed, honest films.
Cinema which is able to offer something new; cinema which stimulates and surprises us; cinema which isn't complacent.
Films with a clear intention; films which prove the art of filmmaking is alive and kicking and which are able to move or persuade us.

Films we've managed to catch. Films sought for or found.
Films we've found or which have found us.

We'd like to invite you to our house, which is also yours.
We hope you'll feel at home and enjoy yourselves.

We look forward to carrying on imbuing the festival with meaning, and we hope it remains an alternative, as a truly independent festival, here in Barcelona.

— Elena Ortiz de Zarate and Tess Renaudo —



L'Alternativa takes a trip to Madrid
L'Alternativa takes a trip to Cerbère
L'Alternativa takes a trip to Shanghai