Professionals IFN

Press acreditations



The IFN - INDEPENDENT FILM NETWORK invite Independent Film PROFESSIONALS to join l'Alternativa.

Aprox. 300 films will available to film professionals (programmers, distributors, curators, producers) to view during L'Alternativa.

The Festival provides a video à la carte service, where all film in competition (shorts, animation, documentary, feature), International Film School selections and the Pantalla Hall Section are available to view on VHS/ DVD during the week of the Festival.

Guests will also be able to view the compilation DVDs L'Alternativa has curated over the last years, highlighting the best of past editions of the Festival, programmes which have been shown internationally (Milan, Bogotá, Medellín, Ibbenbüren, Palma de Mallorca, Madrid, Bologna, Austin, Granada, Sevilla, Fundao, Buenos Aires...).

To be a part of the IFN during the festival (accreditation and video à la carte access), please send us a mail explaining your activities and your interest in our festival.

ACREDITATIONS: Send request to Mireia Nebot (Deadline: 3rd of November)