Official Sections
Feature Films
La casa Emak Bakia (The Search for Emak Bakia)
Oskar Alegria
Spain, 2012
HD | 84 min | BW/Colour | Basque, French, Italian, Spanish | VOSE
Production: Oskar Alegria
Screenplay: Oskar Alegria
Photography: Oskar Alegria
Editor: Oskar Alegria
Music: Abel Hernández, Emak Bakia, Mursego, Ruper Ordorika, Richard Griffith
Sound: Abel Hernández
Contact: [email protected]
In 1926 Man Ray filmed the cinepoem Emak Bakia (Basque for ‘Leave me alone’) in a house of the same name near Biarritz. Nearly a century later, filmmaker Oskar Alegria set off in search of the house with only three clues to guide him: photos of the main door, two window columns and a stretch of the nearby coast.
Oskar Alegria (Pamplona, 1973) teaches for the master’s in documentary screenwriting at the University of Navarra and is a travel writer for El País newspaper. He directed the documentary series Maestros de la cocina vasca and the short Architecture et nourriture (2011). He is also behind the urban photography artistic project Las ciudades visibles.
Edinburgh International Film Festival 2012
Festival Internacional de Cine de San Sebastián 2012
Telluride International Film Festival 2012