L'Alternativa festival pass
5 tickets + catalogue + watch 1 festival film online on Filmin: ¤20
Can be shared by more than one person
Tickets need to be picked up at the box office before each session
Festival pass sales
Telentrada CatalunyaCaixa (902 10 12 12) and CCCB box office
Ticket prices
CCCB Auditorium and Theatre: ¤5.50 per session, concessions ¤4.50
Filmoteca de Catalunya: ¤4 per session
French Institute: ¤2 per session
Small Experiments: children ¤4, adults ¤5
Ticket sales
Festival box offices from one hour before each session
Free sessions
CCCB Hall and Casa Amèrica Catalunya
Tickets for the CCCB Auditorium and Theatre at ¤4.50 for holders of the CCCB Friends card, Carnet Jove, Club TR3SC card, Barcelona municipal library card, Club Maumau card or Tot Raval card and the retired or unemployed (with valid ID)
L'Alternativa catalogue: everything you wanted to know about the festival for just ¤10