L'Alternativa Officials Feature Film Section Prize
The jury for the Official Feature Film Section at the 20th edition of the Barcelona Independent Film Festival, l'Alternativa, made up of Neus Ballús, Fran Ruvira and Xavier Cervantes, met on 22 November 2013 and agreed unanimously to award the Festival Feature Film Award to the film Das merkwürdige kätzchen (The Strange Little Cat) by Ramon Zürcher (Germany).
The jury valued the director's ability to choreograph a family's everyday home life in a highly personal, poetic fashion, whilst avoiding the usual cliches. Zürcher films apparently eccentric behaviour that hints at the major or minor dramas that arise from living together. The jury also congratulated the director for forging a remarkable, unique vision in his debut feature film.
The jury also awarded a special mention to Museum Hours by Jem Cohen (Austria / United States) for its committed social and artistic stance, rigorous approach and solid storyline, all evidence of the director's creative maturity.
L'Alternativa Officials Short Film Section Prize
The jury for the Official Short Film Section at the 20th edition of the Barcelona Independent Film Festival, l'Alternativa, made up of Virginia García del Pino, Pablo García Pérez de Lara and Miquel Martí Freixas, met on 22 November 2013 and agreed unanimously to award the Festival Short Film Award jointly to the films:
- Hotzanak, For Your Own Safety by Izibene Oñederra (Spain). The jury valued the film's ability to get across momentary feelings of violence and impotence that we have to face in our society.
- Soles de primavera by Stefan Ivančić (Serbia). The jury valued the film's poetic-political look at a forgotten country and its scattered citizens during an ephemeral yet memorable and very personal spring.
GAC Prize for Best Feature Film Screenplay
The jury for the GAC Prize for Best Screenplay at the 20th edition of the Barcelona Independent Film Festival, l'Alternativa, made up of Marçal Cebrian, Eduard Sola and Toni Cama, met on 22 November 2013 and agreed unanimously to award the GAC Prize for Best Feature Film Screenplay to the film 36 by Nawapol Thamrongrattanaritt (Thailand).
The jury valued the film's simple narrative, original, fragmented approach and a seemingly simple yet intense conflict to tell a delicate, emotive story.
GAC Prize for Best Short Film Screenplay
The jury for the GAC Prize for Best Screenplay at the 20th edition of the Barcelona Independent Film Festival, l'Alternativa, made up of Marçal Cebrian, Eduard Sola and Toni Cama, met on 22 November 2013 and agreed unanimously to award the GAC Prize for Best Short Film Screenplay to the film Má Raça by Marco Leão and André Santos (Portugal).
The jury valued the film's complex drama, intense conflict and ability to draw viewers in by making use of silence pauses as a narrative tool.
Panorama Rencontres Cinématographiques de Cerbère-Portbou Prize
The jury for the Panorama Rencontres Cinématographiques de Cerbère-Portbou Prize at the 20th edition of the Barcelona Independent Film Festival, l'Alternativa, made up of Sesi Bergeret, Pere Ginard and Tess Renaudo, met on 23 November 2013 and agreed unanimously to award the Panorama Rencontres Cinématographiques de Cerbère-Portbou Prize to the film El pas del riu by Lluís de Sola (Spain).
L'Alternativa Hall Lomography Prize
The jury for the L'Alternativa Hall Lomography Prize at the 20th edition of the Barcelona Independent Film Festival, l'Alternativa, made up of Sesi Bergeret, Pere Ginard, Céline Pimentel and Tess Renaudo, met on 22 November 2013 and agreed unanimously to award the L'Alternativa Hall Lomography Prize to the film PFFFHP TT! by Deborah S. Phillips (Germany).
Audience Award
The Audience Award at the 20th edition of the Barcelona Independent Film Festival, l'Alternativa, has been won by the film Soles de primavera by Stefan Ivančić (Serbia).