Yema hana mchit (Mother, I Left)
Mohsin Jbari, Oussama Saoud, Adil Lkanfoud, Badar Zniba, Rachid Bakali, Hamza Mimoun, Ousama Hajani, Radwane Zaidi, Hamza Ligrisi , Fouad Chocolate, Mohsin Jbari, Brahim Hrbaui, Oussama Saoud, Raquel Sánchez Gracía, Stefania De Stefani, Zeltia Outeiriño
Country: Spain
Year: 2013
Format: Digital
Length: 4 min
Image: Colour
Language: Arabic
Subtitles: Catalan
Presented by: Raquel Sánchez Gracía, Stefania De Stefani, Zeltia Outeiriño
This YouTube clip (with almost 27,000 hits) gives a firsthand account of a young Moroccan’s illegal passage to Spain and the harsh days he had to endure when he arrived.
- Premio del Público - Festival de Arte Joven BCN ZOOM, Barcelona 2014