Constitución (Constitution)

Melisa Aller

Country: Argentina
Year: 2013
Format: Digital
Length: 4 min
Image: BW
Language: No dialogue

Producer: Melisa Aller
Screenplay: Melisa Aller
Photography: Melisa Aller
Animation: Melisa Aller
Editor: Melisa Aller
Music: Melisa Aller
Sound: Melisa Aller




Constitución is an explosive burst of speeds and shuffles rather than a search for subjects or forms. Immanence. Distributing feelings and intensities.


  1. Mención especial - Ícaro, Festival Internacional de Cine en Centroamérica, Guatemala
  2. Mención especial - II Festival de Cine Online Global Comunidad Zoom
  3. Mostra do Filme Livre MFL de Río de Janeiro
  4. ANALOGICA, Italia
  5. 28° Festival Internacional de Cine de Mar del Plata