Si jamais nous devons disparaître, ce sera sans inquiétude mais en combattant jusqu'à la fin
(If we ever have to disappear, it will be without disquiet but we will fight until the end)
Jean-Gabriel Périot
Country: France
Year: 2014
Format: Digital
Length: 16 min
Image: Colour
Language: No dialogue
Producer: Envie de Tempête productions
Screenplay: Jean-Gabriel Périot
Photography: Denis Gravouil
Editor: Jean-Gabriel Périot
Music: Michel Cloup, Patrice Cartier
Sound: Laurent Benaim, Raphaël Guitton
Actors: Tamara Bacci, Michel Cloup, Patrice Cartier
A guitarist and a drummer play an instrumental rock score. The audience moves with the rhythm. Amongst the crowd, a unique woman.
- DOK Leipzig
- Festival Tous Écrans Genève