Bere bizitzetako bat (One of His Lives)

Aitor Gametxo

Country: Spain
Year: 2014
Format: Digital
Length: 8 min
Image: Colour
Language: Basque
Subtitles: Spanish

Producer: Aitor Gametxo
Photography: Aitor Gametxo
Editor: Aitor Gametxo


Presented by: Aitor Gametxo


An amateur filmmaker sends a friend all the material he wrote and shot on a trip to Paris. “As filmed rather than personal firsthand moments, I no longer feel they’re mine,” says the first note.


Aitor Gametxo (Lekeitio, 1989) did a master’s in creative documentary making at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is currently studying sign language interpreting in Barcelona, as well as working as a photographer and curator of online photography projects. 



  1. Mención Especial - Alcances Muestra Cinematográfica del Atlántico