L'Alternativa Professionals
IN/Formative Session Audience Development (MEDIA and Culture sub-programmes)

This session aims to share the European Commission’s goals for audience development with the cultural and creative industry in Catalonia. The idea is to equip cultural operators with the practical tools to prepare a project or implement a Europe-wide project.
It is aimed at companies, institutions and public and private companies in the cultural and creative industry that are ready to present projects to Creative Europe with the aim of developing, improving, analysing, educating or increasing audiences or cementing audience loyalty.
- Monday 17 November 2014
- Sala Mirador CCCB (Montalegre, 5, 08001 Barcelona)
- Time: 10.15 am
- Free admission.
- The session will be in both Spanish and Catalan
Sign up beforehand
- 10.15 – 10.30 am Registration.
- 10.30 – 10.45 am Welcome and introduction by Cristina Riera, member of the directing team and general coordinator of l’Alternativa, and Ŕlex Navarro, coordinator of the Europa Creativa Desk - MEDIA Catalunya.
- 10.45 – 11.15 am Presentation of the Culture Sub-programme goals for developing audiences and creating new audiences by Augusto Paramio, head of the Creative Europe Culture office for Spain and technical adviser at the General Sub-directorate for Cultural Cooperation with Autonomous Communities at the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.
- 11.15 – 11.45 am Case study with Ramon Parramon, director of Idensitat, Associació d’Art Contemporani, who will talk about his involvement with the European Artizen Initiative project led by Dedale, which received funding from the previous Culture Sub-programme for cooperation projects.
- 11.45 am – noon Break.
- Noon – 12.30 pm Presentation of the MEDIA Literacy line by Ŕlex Navarro, coordinator of the Europa Creativa Desk - MEDIA Catalunya.
- 12.30 – 1.00 pm Case study with Laia Colell, member of A Bao A Qu cultural association, whose Moving Cinema project received funding from the last MEDIA Literacy programme.
- 1.00 – 1.30 pm Q&A.
- 1.30 – 1.45 pm Final conclusions and closing remarks by Ŕlex Navarro, coordinator of the Europa Creativa Desk - MEDIA Catalunya.

Organised by the Creative Europe Desk – MEDIA Catalunya and Creative Europe Culture office at the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, with the support of l’Alternativa.