Parèntesi (Break)
Col·lectiu Oncogrrrls

Country: Spain
Year: 2013
Format: Digital
Length: 8 min
Image: Colour
Language: Catalan
Producer: Caro Novella, Paitu
Photography: Carlota Grau
Editor: Carlota Grau
Music: (dir. movimiento) Bárbara Wiltschek, Caro Novella, Carlota Grau, Ona Malleu
Sound: Carlota Grau
Actors: Ahinoa Irueta Isusi, Bárbara Wiltschek, Caro Novella, Carol Vallverdú i Santiago, Júlia Ojuel Solsona, Ona Malleu, Paitu
When you’re diagnosed with breast cancer, the doctors tell you: “See it as taking a break in your life.” As if we can put life on hold.