Sieben Mal am Tag beklagen wir unser Los und nachts stehen wir auf, um nicht zu träumen (Seven Times a Day We Bemoan Our Lot and at Night We Get Up to Avoid Dreaming)
Susann Maria Hempel
Country: Germany
Year: 2014
Format: Digital
Length: 18 min
Image: Colour
Language: German
Subtitles: Catalan, English
Producer: Susann Maria Hempel
Screenplay: Susann Maria Hempel
Photography: Berta Valín Escofet
Animation: Susann Maria Hempel, Philipp Herlt
Editor: Susann Maria Hempel
Music: Susann Maria Hempel
Sound: Susann Maria Hempel
A cinematic devotional book based on interviews with a man from the East German countryside who lost his memory in 1989 and woke up with several nightmares.
Susann Maria Hempel (Greiz, 1983) studied art and design at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. She works as an actress, as well as making her own films, including Der Große Gammel (2013) and Wie ist die Welt so stille (2013).
- German Film Prize - Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen
- Jury Award - Internationales Kurz Film Festival Hamburg
- Labo Prize - Festival International du Court Métrage Clermont-Ferrand