Zhao Liang
Sunlit grasslands are disembowelled by open-cast mines, while an endless chain of trucks takes coal and ore away to factories. Meanwhile, for veteran miners in hospital, each day drags on forever. They seem to exist in a living purgatory, but no paradise awaits them. For we have destroyed paradise, while carting off materials to build a useless counterfeit paradise. Behemoth is a literary reflection on how humankind is behaving today. We are both perpetrators and victims; we are the monster created by the appetite within each and every one of us.
Liang Zhao graduated from the Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in 1992. Based in Beijing since 1993, he works as a filmmaker and multimedia photography and video artist. His works have been exhibited at the International Center of Photography (New York), Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlín) iand the Museo Reina Sofía (Madrid), among others. His films include Petition (1996–2008) and Together (2010).
- Country France, China
- Year 2015
- Format Digital
- Running time 90 min
- Image Colour
- Language Chinese
- Subtitles Catalan, English
- Production company Institut National de l'Audiovisuel
- Producer Sylvie Blum
- Screenplay Zhao Liang
- Photography Zhao Liang
- Editor Fabrice Rouaud
- Music Huzi, Alain Mahé, Mamer
- Sound Chen Yao, Hu Mengchu, Cao Rui, Li Guocheng
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