International Feature Film Prize in l’Alternativa Official

The jury for International Feature Films in l’Alternativa Official at the 26th edition of the Barcelona Independent Film Festival, l’Alternativa, made up of Pablo Martínez, Carles Matamoros Balasch and Diana Toucedo, met on 16 November 2019 and agreed unanimously to award the International Feature Film Prize to Nos défaites, by Jean-Gabriel Périot (France).
This film turns a school into a cinematic-political lab for rethinking present-day problems.
The jury also awarded a Special Mention to Erde, by Nikolaus Geyrhalter (Austria).
This bold film tackles a planetary ecological problem head on as workers all over the world expose the contradictions in our global society.
International Short Film Prize in l’Alternativa Official

The jury for International Short Films in l’Alternativa Official at the 26th edition of the Barcelona Independent Film Festival, l’Alternativa, made up of Pilar Arcila, Lluís Galter and Paola Lagos Labbé, met on 15 November 2019 and agreed unanimously to award the International Short Film Prize to D'un château l'autre, by Emmanuel Marre (Belgium).
This restrained story weaves a complex tale of human relationships and reminds us that political issues are far more about everyday things than the tsunami of political advertising that overwhelms us when it’s election time again.
The jury also awarded a Special Mention to Orbainak, by Jorge Moneo Quintana (Spain).
The film’s rich visual language heightens the tension between still and moving images while bringing part of the country’s historical memory into focus.
Spanish Film Prize in l’Alternativa Official

The jury for Spanish Films in l’Alternativa Official at the 26th edition of the Barcelona Independent Film Festival, l’Alternativa, made up of Pep Armengol, Mercedes Coll and Albert Elduque, met on 15 November 2019 and agreed unanimously to award the Spanish Film Prize to Meseta, by Juan Palacios.
This film is full of original insights into the phenomenon of depopulation, including the young girls talking about an out-of-work childhood monster and a man who counts empty houses, and takes a striking aesthetic approach to empty spaces.
The jury also awarded a Special Mention to Las letras de Jordi, by Maider Fernández Iriarte.
This film steers well clear of any simple, paternalistic approaches to a complex issue thanks to the refreshingly honest relationships between filmmaker, camera and subject, and manages to create pure poetry out of letters and bodies.
Don Quixote International Feature Film Prize l'Alternativa Official

The jury for the Don Quixote Prize at the 26th edition of the Barcelona Independent Film Festival, l’Alternativa, made up of Anil Kumar Jain, Anna Lati and Ute Mader, met on 15 November 2019 and agreed unanimously to award the Don Quixote International Feature Film Prize to Swarm Season, by Sarah J. Christman (United States).
This original film transports us to another world in Hawaii, with surprising attention to detail. The mother and daughter at the heart of the story show us what it is like to work with bees and draw us in to their world along with them.
The jury also awarded a Special Mention to Zumiriki, by Oskar Alegria (Spain).
Antaviana–Mentoring Projects Prize in l’Alternativa Professionals
The postproduction and digital effects company Antaviana Films has awarded the Antaviana Prize in Mentoring Projects in l’Alternativa Professionals to the project O auto das ánimas, directed by Pablo Lago Dantas and produced by Diana Toucedo Films.
Kinolux–Mentoring Projects Prize in l’Alternativa Professionals
The professional film-lighting hire company Kinolux has awarded the Kinolux Prize in Mentoring Projects to the project The Nest, directed by Eva Valiño and produced by Colosé Producciones.
The jury appointed by Dones Visuals, made up of Alba Cros, Mariola Cortés and Pablo Menéndez, has awarded the Acció Curts de Dones Visuals Prize to the short film El bus de la cárcel, by Sandra Reina (Spain).
We have all overheard other people’s conversations or taken the wrong bus, but rarely with such powerful results as those we see in this film.
The jury appointed by Dones Visuals, made up of Alba Cros, Mariola Cortés and Pablo Menéndez, has awarded the Acció Curts Aluzine Prize, funded by the professional film-lighting hire company Aluzine, to the short film Tormenta de verano, by Laura García (Spain).
A brave, highly original project whose sensitive approach does much to destigmatise people living with mental disorders.