11-17 NOV. 2019

Las letras de Jordi


Jordi was born 51 years ago with cerebral palsy but doesn't consider himself a handicapped person. Even though he isn't able to speak, he communicates using a cardboard alphabet. When he was 21, he heard God talking to him for the first time; today, however, after moving out of his parents’ house into a care home, he no longer feels his divine presence, only a lonely silence. A film about the love of God and the speech of a free man.


Maider Fernández Iriarte (Donostia, 1988) is a filmmaker, educator and member of the Las chicas de Pasaik collective. Her short films Gure Hormek (2016) and Amor siempre (2018) were both screened at l’Alternativa. She lectures for the Master's Degree in Theory and Practice of Creative Documentary Making at the UAB, forms part of the Cinema en curs educational programme and works closely with Drac Màgic. Las letras de Jordi is her first feature film.