A borderlands Western that follows herbalist, hunter and homesteader Sundog living off the land in the Sonoran Desert on the Mexican border. As Border Patrol encroaches on his freedom, he becomes increasingly unnerved and ventures beyond the bounds of his survivalism, leading to an unsettling act of eco-terrorism. A Shape of Things to Come includes the first depiction of smoking a Sonoran toad’s psychedelic venom on film, and in the figure of Sundog it raises provocative questions about humanity's relation to the environment—and to itself—amid the spectre of global collapse.
A Shape of Things to Come is Lisa Marie Malloy's debut film.
J. P. Sniadecki (Michigan, 1979) is a filmmaker and anthropologist who teaches for the Documentary Media program at Northwestern University, Illinois. His films include Yumen (2013), People's Park (2012), Foreign Parts (2010), The Iron Ministry (2015), which won the Feature Film Prize at l'Alternativa 2015, and El mar la mar (2017), which won a Special Mention at l'Alternativa.
⇨ Watch J. P. Sniadecki and Lisa Marie Malloy's introduction to A Shape of Things to Come on YouTube.
L'Alternativa (Mención Especial Largometraje Internacional)
Art of the Real