Out in the Mojave Desert lies California City, the unfinished utopic project of an eccentric property developer. After leaving a turbulent past behind him in Los Angeles, Lashay Warren tries to build a new life with his family in this surreal city, full of empty, crumbling, sandy streets. The film unfolds as a diary, revealing fragments of his life and the people around him trying to carve out a path and make a fresh start. Like the pioneers who travelled out West in the past, Lashay writes his own story into the bigger narrative of America.
Sofie Benoot (Bruges, 1985) completed a Master’s Degree in Audiovisual Arts at LUCA School of Arts in Brussels, where she now teaches. Her films include Blue Meridian (2010), screened at l'Alternativa, and Desert Haze (2014).
Liesbeth De Ceulaer (Diest, 1985) has made Best Act on the Isle (2008) and Behind the Redwood Curtain (2013), among others.
Isabelle Tollenaere (Ghent, 1984) has made Viva Paradis (2011), Battles (2015) and The Remembered Film (2018), among others.
⇨ Watch Sofie Benoot's introduction to Victoria on YouTube.
⇨ Watch our interview with Sofie Bennot and Liesbeth de Ceulaer on YouTube.
Berlinale Forum - Caligari Award