Film Schools of the World

L'Alternativa has always been keen to champion film schools' role in training audiovisual professionals. Every year it gives an entire section over to presenting leading works by students at film schools all over the world. It also puts the spotlight on one school in particular and invites it to present an overview of its work by screening the best pieces by its students.
This year, however, we shall be focusing on just two film schools: the CECC in Barcelona and the CUEC in Mexico. Two dedicated sections will compare and contrast the visions of young filmmakers at these schools.
Alongside the screenings, we also offer a series of parallel activities in conjunction with schools in Barcelona that focus on the use of tools for audiovisual creation and offer the audience the chance to take part in hands-on seminars given by these schools and to debate the interests and concerns of present and future professionals.
In collaboration with Casa Amèrica Catalunya.