Traversées (Crossings)
Antoine Danis
Country: France
Year: 2013
Format: Digital
Length: 8 min
Image: Colour
Language: No dialogue
Production company: GREC
Producer: Anne Luthaud
Photography: Alexandre Léglise
Editor: Virginie Vericourt, Solveig Risacher
Music: Jean-Luc Cappozzo
Sound: Kevin Simon, Jérôme Petit, Myriam René
An afternoon at a Parisian ice-skating rink. Twirling and tumbling, everybody engages in the art of skating in their own way. A poetic ode to a precarious moment.
Antoine Danis was a secondary school teacher before taking a film course at the Atelier Varan. Traversées is his first film. In 2014 he was selected by the Louis Lumière programme to develop his next film, Sale temps.
- DokumentART
- Etats Généraux du film documentaire de Lussas
- Premio al Mejor Cortometraje Radar - Curtocircuíto