Atlantiques (Atlantics)
Mati Diop
Country: France
Year: 2009
Format: Digital
Length: 16 min
Image: Colour
Language: Wolof
Subtitles: Spanish
Production company: Natalia Trebik / Corinne Castel / Le Fresnoy / Anna Sanders Films
Screenplay: Mati Diop
Photography: Mati Diop
Editor: Nicolas Milteau
Music: Bent
Sound: Papi M'Bow, Mansour Dieng
Actors: Serigne Seck, Alpha Diop, Cheikh M'Baye, Ouli Seck, Asta M'Boup
Contact: Institut Français
Presented by: Michel Amarger
In Mati Diop's first short film, a boy from Dakar tells his two friends the story of his sea voyage as a stowaway. Not only he but everyone around him seems to be obsessed by the idea of trying to cross the sea. His words reverberate like a melancholy poem. A story about boys who are constantly travelling: between past, present and future, between life and death, history and myth.