14-20 November 2016

L'Alternativa Activities

Film Schools

Directing non-actors

L'Alternativa Activities - Film Schools

Wednesday 16 November, 11 am–1 pm
CCCB Auditorium
Bande à Part Film School

Eugenio Canevari, director of Paula
Nacho García, lecturer on directing actors

What makes a director decide to work with nonprofessional actors or even non-actors? What do they bring to a film? What precautions should a director take to get the best results? What information do nonprofessional actors need for their role?.
Although each and every film has its own needs and there’s no magic formula, there is a series of questions directors should run through when it comes to working with nonprofessional actors in order to get the result they want. From choosing which shots to use to deciding on the way the action unfolds, every detail becomes a powerful tool when working with nonprofessional actors.

In collaboration with Escuela de Cine Bande à Part - Barcelona

Expanded reality

L'Alternativa Activities - Film Schools

Thursday 17 November, 11 am–1 pm
CCCB Auditorium
Master’s in Theory and Practice of Creative Documentary Making at the UAB

Jimena Tormo, director of the 360º interactive webdoc 360º La Vampira del Raval
Taller Estampa, Graphic Art, Animation, Illustration and Multimedia Programming Studio

The new techniques in VR interactive documentaries are both a challenge and an opportunity—a space for pushing technical and conceptual boundaries. The 360º interactive webdoc La Vampira del Raval was made during the 2015/2016 academic year by students on the Master’s in Theory and Practice of Creative Documentary Making at the UAB. It offers an example of how to get the most out of immersive images in an account and how to solve technical issues linked to VR devices. We shall look at the work process, from original idea to writing a screenplay, designing the characterisation and producing the final project.

In collaboration with Màster en Teoria y Pràctica del Documental Creatiu de la UAB