Official Sections
Feature Films
Philip Scheffner
Germany, 2012
HD | 106 min | Colour | German, Romanian | VOSC, VOSI
Production: Merle Kröger / Pong
Screenplay: Merle Kröger, Philip Scheffner
Photography: Bernd Meiners
Editor: Philip Scheffner
Sound: Pascal Capitolin, Philip Scheffner
Contact: [email protected] +49 341215663
Revision pieces together the events surrounding the death of two men in a field on the German‐Polish border in 1992. Documentary becomes a form of cinematic revision, as the filmmaker carries out an increasingly disturbing investigation using landscape and memory, testimonies, research and documents as he creates a fragile portrait of contemporary European history from multiple perspectives.
Philip Scheffner (Homburg, 1966) lives in Berlin and works on documentary films, video and sound art. He also runs the production platform Pong together with Merle Kröger. His films include Day of the Sparrow (2010) and The Halfmoon Files (2007).
Berlinale Forum 2012
Hot Docs 2012
Transilvania International Film Festival 2012
CPH:DOX 2012