The Art of Screening: The Ins and Outs of Film Curating
María Palacios Cruz, coordinator of the Department of Film Curating Studies at the EQZE and deputy director of LUX (London)
Filmmakers have been debating how to curate and screen films since the invention of motion-picture photography. However, this issue has only recently become a field of study in its own right and has yet to be codified. Here, we shall try to identify the salient points of film curating, which lies halfway between filmmaking and the visual arts. This unique activity also encompasses many other activities as well. A curator becomes a programmer, producer, critic, educator, writer and, according to Serge Daney, a passeur.
In this session, we shall talk about the wide range of different ways of curating films, as well as curators’ creative side and their key role in creating new spaces for screening films.
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