Andrei Rublev, A Paniconography
(radio version)
Societat Doctor Alonso, Spain, 2019, 60’, VO
We open l’Alternativa with a very special session: the “radio version” of Societat Doctor Alonso’s playAndrei Rublev, which pays homage to Andrei Tarkovsky’s film of the same name, in which icon painter Andrei Rublev travels through medieval Russia to paint the frescos at the cathedral in the Kremlin. This piece unfurls a repertoire of iconographies of the human body while exploring sound and performance as symbols of the landscape. A take on art not as a portrait of reality but as one reality among many.
Production credits
- Director: Tomás Aragay
- Dramatist: Sofía Asencio
- Producer: Imma Bové
- Created in collaboration with Virginia García del Pino and performed by Sofía Asencio and Nazario Díaz
Societat Doctor Alonso, directed by Tomás Aragay and Sofía Asencio, has fashioned its own instantly recognisable stage language, where the tiniest gestures can have a tremendous power. They use absurd and naïf motifs to break with conventional theatre languages and create their own poetry of pathetic. They experiment freely with genres and art forms and work closely with creators from a wide range of different backgrounds to design highly original ways of occupying a stage, mixing beauty and the grotesque with a healthy dose of humour. The company has created over 27 productions since it was set up in 1997 and has performed throughout Europe and Latin America.