International Feature Film Prize
L'Alternativa Official

Pablo Martínez
Pablo Martínez has been head of programmes at MACBA since 2016. He was head of education and public activities at CA2M (2009–2016) and lectured in contemporary art history at the School of Fine Art at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2011–2015). He edits the Et al. collection published jointly by MACBA and Arcàdia and has formed part of the editorial team at L’Internationale Online since 2016.

Carles Matamoros Balasch
Carles Matamoros Balasch graduated in journalism and has a Master’s Degree in Contemporary Film and Audiovisual Studies. He cofounded the website Transit: cine y otros desvíos. He has worked as a film critic for Caimán. Cuadernos de Cine, Dirigido por, Diario de Levante and Abc Sevilla and lectured at La Casa del Cine and the Instituto de Humanidades in Barcelona.

Diana Toucedo
Diana Toucedo is a filmmaker and film editor. She has edited a score of feature films, short films and other audiovisual pieces, including La noche que no acaba (Isaki Lacuesta), Júlia ist (Elena Martín), the fiction series Hierro (Jorge Coira) for Movistar and Arte France and Los desheredados (Laura Ferrés), which won the Leica Cine Discovery Prize at La Semaine de la Critique at Cannes. Her debut feature, Trinta lumes, premiered at the 2018 Berlinale.
International Short Film Prize
L'Alternativa Official

Pilar Arcila
Pilar Arcila is a Franco-Colombian filmmaker and film editor who studied at the École nationale supérieure de la photographie in Arles. In 2007 she completed her first film, Au fil du son, and in 2013 she made Le Pendule de Costel, which was screened at l’Alternativa. In 2010 she set up Ab Joy Productions with Jean-Marc Lamoure, with whom she has made participatory projects on Super 8 film. She is currently making a feature film at a psychiatric hospital in Valvert (Marseille).

Lluís Galter
Lluís Galter’s films include Caracremada (2010), which premiered at Venice, and La substància (2016), screened at l’Alternativa and Visions du Réel, together with a number of short documentary and experimental shorts. He worked as a filmmaker on Salvados (2017–2019) and is currently working on postproduction for his third feature, Aftersun.

Paola Lagos Labbé
Paola Lagos Labbé has a Master’s Degree in Creative Documentary Making and a PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the UAB. She carries out teaching and research work at the Universidad de Chile and has written several publications on contemporary documentary making, essay films and experimental filmmaking. She is a member of Crater-Lab, an independent creative and experimental analogue filmmaking laboratory.
Spanish Film Prize
L'Alternativa Official

Pep Armengol
Throughout the 1980s Pep Armengol was a regular contributor to Oriflama magazine, with articles, reviews and interviews about film, while also beginning to film in Super 8. In 2012 he teamed up with Isaki Lacuesta to make the short La matanza del cerdo. Since 2017 he has presented the weekly radio programme Cine Sin Condiciones, together with Joan Morros.

Mercedes Coll
Mercedes Coll graduated in philosophy from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and has worked as a secondary school teacher and lecturer in literature and film at the Universitat de Barcelona. She has taken part in research projects at the Centre Dona i Literatura and formed part of the Cooperativa Drac Màgic between 1988 and 2012.

Albert Elduque
Albert Elduque has a PhD in Social Communication from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and has done research on Brazilian film at the University of Reading. He was coeditor of Contrapicado online film magazine and since 2016 has been coeditor of Comparative Cinema magazine, published by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Don Quixote International Feature Film Prize
L'Alternativa Official

Anil Kumar Jain
Anil Kumar Jains is regional secretary of the Federation of Film Societies of India and president of the Tasveer Film Society. As a film critic he has covered international film festivals in India and collaborated with the Open Forum at the Film Festival of Goa. He organises the European Union Film Festival, which is held in ten cities in India.

Anna Lati
Anna Lati is a member and programmer at the Cineclub del Diable in Martorell. She graduated in fine art from the Universitat de Barcelona. She directed Fábrica de sueños (2017) and codirected Memorias del proletariado cognitivo (2018). She is currently working on a Super 8 project.

Ute Mader
Ute Mader studied art, history and Romance languages in Bonn, Barcelona and Perugia. Her career got under way at the Kinemathek de Bonn, and since 1990 she has run the community cinema and Language Department at Leverkusen University. The community cinema’s programme has won national acclaim on several occasions.