El curs del temps (The Passing of Time)
Estudiants de Cinema en curs: Alumnes de 1r de Batxillerat de l’Institut Castellet (Sant Vicenç de Castellet)

Country: Spain
Year: 2015
Format: Digital
Length: 15 min
Image: BW/Colour
Language: Catalan
Subtítulos: Spanish
Production company: Estudiants de l’Institut Castellet
Producer: Estudiants de l’Institut Castellet
Screenplay: Estudiants de l’Institut Castellet
Photography: Estudiants de l’Institut Castellet
Editor: Estudiants de l’Institut Castellet
Presented by: Estudiants de l’Institut Castellet (San Vicenç de Castellet), Nuria Aidelman y Laia Colell
We discover the county of Bages’ industrial past through the accounts of elderly residents and the abandoned textile factories Cal Balet and Cal Soler.