L'Alternativa Hall
Hall Didactics
Initiatives that work with audiovisual education and training as a tool for knowledge, reflection and criticism. We are presenting and screening three participatory video projects made in different contexts from different perspectives.
Session 1: Connectats Coop (45') 17/11 17.30 h
Connectats SCCL is a Barcelona-based cooperative that designs and runs educational programmes, social action projects and creative audiovisual projects. Our actions bring people from different fields of creativity together in a specific context to stimulate the production of shared knowledge, create opportunities for dialogue and devise new ways of getting people involved.
Presentation: Florencia Aliberti, Sílvia Subirós, Diego Salazar (Connectats SCCL)
In collaboration with:

Session 2: Cinema en curs (45') 20/11 18.15 h
Cinema en curs is a film education programme carried out at primary and secondary schools in a wide range of social contexts. By introducing schoolchildren to the many different forms of expression found in European filmmaking, it aims to foster critical, independent-minded viewers and to explore the educational potential of watching and making films in schools. The programme was launched in Catalonia in 2005 and has now spread to Galicia, Madrid, Argentina, Brazil and Chile. It has also run projects in Portugal and Croatia.

Més a prop
Estudiants de Cinema en curs: Alumnes de 2n d’ESO de l’Institut Milà i Fontanals (Barcelona, barri del Raval)

El curs del temps
(The Passing of Time)
Estudiants de Cinema en curs: Alumnes de 1r de Batxillerat de l’Institut Castellet (Sant Vicenç de Castellet)
In collaboration with:

Session 3: Festival MiTS (60') 21/11 17 h
The Asociación Cultural Finmatun was set up in 2006 as a means of carrying out creative initiatives and art projects with people in custody or living in socially impoverished contexts. For the last three years it has organised the MiTS Festival in Barcelona as a participatory space for raising and debating social issues and forging ties. As well as exploring the aesthetic and artistic side to dance and video, it also plays an active role in asking us questions as a society.
Presentation: Jordi Cortés and Liant la Troca (danced action), Esteban Crucci

Jokin Labaien

Col·lectiu Oncogrrrls
![Lapses [Homes]](/2015/admin/adminPH/fotos/00107.jpg)
Lapses [Homes]
(Lapses [Men])
Esteban Crucci, Toni Mira i els participants del Laboratori de Videodansa del Centre Penitenciari de Brians 1
In collaboration with: